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The 50 Time Flat Icons contains:

+ Time icons
+ Clock icons
+ Watch icons
+ Calendar Icons

50 Time Flat Icons


Time Icons Set

This set contains 50 icons all related to timekeeping and various time-related symbols. These icons are widely applicable in websites or apps pertaining to productivity, scheduling, time management, project management, and finance. The icons are colorful and versatile, suitable for both digital and print purposes. Here’s a detailed description of each icon:

1. Hands Holding Clock
A clock being held by two hands against a red circle background.
Time protection, punctuality.

2. Wall Clock
Simple wall clock showing time against a yellow circle background.
General time indication, schedules.

3. Clock with Burning Documents
A small clock alongside burning documents against a dark circle background.
Deadlines, urgent tasks.

4. Calculator with Clock
A clock and calculator on a green circle background.
Time calculations, finance.

5. Magnifying Glass with Clock
A clock under a magnifying glass on a peach circle background.
Time analysis, punctuality inspection.

6. Hand Holding Alarm Clock
An alarm clock held by a hand on a blue circle background.
Morning routines, waking up.

7. Hand with Stopwatch
Hand holding a stopwatch on a salmon circle background.
Timing events, sports.

8. Watches
A pair of wristwatches connected by a chain on an orange circle background.
Dual time zones, travel.

9. Calendar with Clock
A clock in front of a calendar on a red circle background.
Appointments, scheduling.

10. Earth with Clock
Globe with a clock at the bottom on a dark circle background.
Global time zones, international meetings.

11. Alarm Clock
Classic red alarm clock on a cyan circle background.
Waking up, reminders.

12. Round Clock
Simplistic round clock showing time on a dark circle background.
General time indication.

13. Hourglass
Classic hourglass showing sand trickling down on a teal circle background.
Time running out, patience.

14. Joystick with Clock
A joystick with a clock attached on a yellow circle background.
Game time management, leisure time.

15. Blue Hourglass
An hourglass with blue sand on a cyan circle background.
Countdown, timed activities.

16. Hourglass with Red Sand
Hourglass with red sand on a green circle background.
Short time frames, urgency.

17. Eye with Clock
Clock depicted inside an eye on a lime green circle background.
Focus on time, productivity.

18. Graph with Clock
Upward graph line with a clock on a salmon circle background.
Time efficiency, performance metrics.

19. Hand Pointing to Clock
A hand pointing towards a round clock on a light green circle background.
Scheduling, punctuality emphasis.

20. Black Stopwatch
A black stopwatch on a dark circle background.
Timing events, sports.

21. Crowned Alarm Clock
Crowned alarm clock on a coral background.
Deadline management, high importance tasks.

22. Wrench and Clock
A wrench and clock crossed over on a red circle background.
Fixing time, scheduled maintenance.

23. Magnifying Glass with Checked Alarm Clock
Alarm clock with check marks under a magnifying glass on a dark circle background.
Task completion, time evaluation.

24. Alarm Clock with Arrow
An alarm clock and directional arrow on a light blue circle background.
Time tracking, reminders.

25. Smartphone with Clock
A smartphone displaying time on a peach circle background.
Digital time, mobile applications.

26. Time Bomb
A classic movie-style time bomb on a gunmetal background.
Urgent actions, immediate attention.

27. Clock Gear
Clock cogwheel symbol on a dark circle background.
Time management, productivity.

28. Chart with Clock
Pie chart with an overlaid clock on a cyan circle background.
Time distribution, analytics.

29. Silver Clock
Metallic-looking classic clock on a light green circle background.
Timekeeping, punctuality.

30. Clipboard with Clock
Clipboard with a piece of paper and a small clock on a pastel yellow circle background.
Task lists, project timelines.

31. Cash Bag with Stopwatch
Money bag with a stopwatch on a lavender background.
Financial savings, time is money.

32. Backward Time
Classic clock showing time being reversed on a dark circle background.
Historical times, undo actions.

33. Graphs and Stopwatch
Graph chart with an overlaid stopwatch on a green circle background.
Performance tracking, speed analysis.

34. Mountain with Stopwatch
Mountain peaks and a stopwatch on a pastel orange circle background.
Adventure timing, deadlines.

35. Conference with Stopwatch
Two individuals at a table and a stopwatch on a celestial green background.
Meeting durations, conference planning.

36. Timer
Digital timer set to zero on an emerald green circle background.
Setting limits, countdowns.

37. Handshake with Clocks
Two individuals shaking hands with clocks on their wrists in a yellow background.
Business meetings, timed negotiations.

38. Smartwatch
A digital smartwatch showing time on a charcoal background.
Wearable tech, fitness tracking.

39. Rocket with Stopwatch
A small rocket and stopwatch on a red circle background.
Speed, rapid progress.

40. Circular Arrows with Clock
Circular arrows encasing a clock on a pale yellow circle background.
Synchronization, circular time flow.

41. Flaming Stopwatch
Stopwatch with flames around it on a red circle background.
Urgent, high stakes timing.

42. Dollar Sign with Clock
Clock with around it signs of cashflow on a hot coral background.
Money management, financial reports.

43. Cloud Computing Clock
Cloud with a downward arrow pointing to a clock on an ivory circle background.
Cloud services, online scheduling.

44. Cloud Upload Clock
Cloud with an upward arrow pointing to a clock on a cool gray circle background.
Cloud backups, time management software.

45. Hunger Clock
Fork and knife surrounding a clock on a happy green circle background.
Meal times, diet tracking.

46. Graph Sector with Clock
Sector graph with clock integrated on a cadet blue circle background.
Time distribution, analytics.

47. Whistle and Clock
Whistle with an overlaid clock on a buttermilk yellow circle background.
Time management, events.

48. Burning Clock
Clock engulfed in flames on a crimson circle background.
Urgent tasks, on fire.

49. Cloud Upload Clock
Clock with an upward arrow cloud symbol on an alabaster circle background.
Cloud time services, data sync.

50. Global Time Network
Clock with various network markers around the globe on a cyan circle background.
Global meetings, time synchronization.

These icons offer extensive versatility for a variety of applications, especially in productivity tools, management systems, and time-focused functionalities.

The 50 Time Flat Icons pack contains fully scalable digital representations for you to use on your business posters or any other advertising support.

 Time Flat Icons list

50 Time Flat Icons

 Time Flat Icons with colored backgrounds

Drag and drop vector Time Flat Icons

Simple style Time Flat Icons

Customizable Time Flat Icons

 Time Flat Icons with colored backgrounds

Full vector Time Flat Icons

Design ready Time Flat Icons

 full vector Time Flat Icons

Modern Time Flat Icons

You will download the time flat icons set:

– 1 Ai file easy to customize in Illustrator
– you will be able to change text, color, size (Suitable for printing and all image programs).
– 1 EPS file easy to customize in any design program.
– 1 SVG file easy open in Sketch, Inkscape or any other vector editing program.
– 512 x 512 px icons easy to resize and adapt to your designs
– EPS, 50 files separate icons
– SVG, 50 files separate icons
– PNG, 50 files separate icons

50 Time Flat Icons set includes:

Time icons, Clock icons, Watch icons, Timing icons, Time management icons, Duration icons, Time Passing Icons, Hour Icons, Minutes Icons, Calendar Icons, Deadline Icons

Why Download from our store?

We guarantee you’ll be completely satisfied with this pack. It is our pleasure to make sure that everything is perfect and our set meets your criteria. What do we do to make sure of this? Well, our commitment to quality ensures you get the best you possibly can, every time. Whether you’re trying to impress a client or attract more views, you can be sure you’ll get the job done. Moreover, our work is appreciated because of its uniqueness, the creative ideas, and the way we implement them.
In addition to all of this, all our icons are 100% vector, so you could freely customize and scale the icons.

As a result of our hard work, here are some Real Customer Reviews: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“Beautifully done and all so useful! Thank you very much :)”

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